“I’m from the Government and I’m here to help!”

As Obama and Biden and their Democratic minions continue to demonize and destroy “Joe the Plumber” people need to understand what Senator Obama and Joe Biden mean by saying that they want to “share the wealth” and its inevitable consequences. 

By standing up for the mythological “middle class”, Senator Obama has been able to elevate his rhetoric to appeal to anyone feeling disenfranchised in the current economic situation.  Obama has been able to tell these people that it was not their fault for taking on risky, high priced mortgages that they could not afford and has told disenfranchised voters the mixed message of “it’s the governments fault for lending you money and only the government can help you now”.   And despite the idiocy of that reasoning, his promise of lower taxes for them while he taxes the greedy quarter millionaires has propelled him to a lead in the current polls. 

But what happens when “Joe the Plumber” stops showing up for work?  Let’s face it, we have all known someone who has declined overtime because the amount they would make would put them into a higher tax bracket and as a result the extra hours would be paid at a rate less than their hourly wage.  Under Obama the company “Joe the Plumber” owns will face the same decision-make over $250,000 and be taxed at a higher rate thus lowering earnings.  When “Joe” decides to stop working at $249,000, the income he makes can no longer be “shared” or “redistributed” as Senators Obama and Biden see fit and “Joe” stays a member of the mythological “middle class” making him eligible for an Obama/Biden handout.  If this pattern is repeated by “Jane the Florist”, “Bob the Painter” and “Barb the Contractor”, the Obama/Biden tax base dries up and wealth stops flowing back to the “middle class”.  What will Obama/Biden do now? 

Two options exist for Obama/Biden at this point.  The first is to lower the top rate to $150,000, then to $100,000 and so on.  This means taxes start going up for higher and higher percentages of Americans and the lower wage earners continue to shrink.  Inevitably everyone is equal. 

The other option is for Obama/Biden to force people to work.  This can happen in many ways but the easiest term to call this is a draft.  Obama could institute a draft for military service, civil service or any other area he believes is necessary to bolster the economy.  Everyone starts to pay taxes while working for the government thus creating the pool Obama/Biden need to “redistribute” or “share” the wealth as they see fit. 

So what is the inevitable consequence of an Obama/Biden administration?  More government and less personal responsibility.  Call it socialism if you want but I see it as the destruction of the American work ethic once and for all.  Where is my incentive to work if I have a cap on my earnings?  Why even try to find a job if a steady flow of income is coming to me from the top?  Why make more than minimum wage when my lethargy is being rewarded by people who want to work hard and get ahead?  And why better myself when the government is telling me I’m the victim? 

This election and the current economic situation is a wake up call to all Americans.  Unfortunately too many are hitting the snooze button and HOPING someone else will CHANGE their lot in life.

Published in: on October 17, 2008 at 4:06 pm  Comments (1)  
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